Spraying ramp

The spraying ramp is used on a boat to spread a dispersant on a layer of oil.



The spraying ramp is used on a boat to spread a dispersant or an accelerating agent of biological breakup on an oil layer.
The dispersant is mixed directly with water in a tank of 800 L. The mixture is pumped in the tank and then sprayed trough nozzles mounted on each boat sides.
A second model of ramp is equipped with a pipe of sea water aspiration, assembled on one of the ramps. The pure dispersant is directly diluted in the water suction pipe. The device is lighter (no tank) and allows a greater autonomy.

A spraying ramp consists in :
- a motor driven pump : pump (86 I/mn), a diesel motor 7,5 CV,
- a tank of 800 I or a pipe of aspiration, directly immersed in the sea water,
- 2 arms of 6 m long, stainless steel 316 L,
- a set of connections and piping